To find out if you are at high risk for diabetes, please complete the quiz below by printing this page and putting a check next to the questions that apply to you.
❑ I am older than 45 years old
❑ I have had diabetes during a previous pregnancy
❑ I have excess body weight, especially around my waist
❑ My family has a history of diabetes
❑ I have given birth to a baby weighing more than 9 pounds
❑ I have high blood pressure
❑ I don’t exercise / I lead a sedentary lifestyle
❑ I don’t eat very healthy
❑ I have, or have had, cardiovascular disease
❑ I am Latino/Hispanic, African American, Asian American, Native American or of Pacific Islander ethnicity
❑ I am a woman who has an HDL (good cholesterol) below 50 or a man who has an HDL below 40
The more boxes you checked, the higher your risk may be for diabetes. Early detection and treatment can decrease your risk of complications. Call the Diabetes Education and Wellness Center at Thorek to discuss your options with one of our staff today, 773-975-6814 (English), 773-975-1156 (Spanish).
Thorek Memorial Hospital
850 W. Irving Park Road
Chicago, IL 60613
Phone: 773-525-6780